Why Choose non-toxic, eco-friendly Piggy Paint for your kids??

Why is Piggy Paint different from other water-based nail polish? Our formula was developed to be safe for kids to use, but it is also the best wearing water-based nail polish on the market! It doesn't peel off! Piggy Paint dries to a hard, durable finish, which makes it stand out from the other brands on the market. However; since it doesn't have the harsh chemicals, there are things you can do to guarantee optimal wear!

First: USE A BLOW DRYER. The heat will help the paint to cure (harden) About 60 seconds is all you need (about enough time to sing your ABC's) :)

blow dryer blog

Second: Use Piggy Paint's Non-Toxic BASECOAT for maximum chip resistance!


Third: Use our non-toxic, glossy TOPCOAT (revolutionary water-based formula) for added scratch resistance!


Make it Last! Get our Make it Last Gift Set with BASE and TOPCOAT for only $14.99!



Piggy Paint Team

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very nice blog.


very nice blog..


very nice…


nice bog…


I received this nail polish at a local store and love it! I use it to paint my 8 month old baby’s toe nails. Thank you for making this great kid friendly, non toxic product!

Dunja Wilson

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