10 Fun Nail Styles for Inspiration

10 Fun Nail Styles for Inspiration

If your girls like to have their nails done often, you’ve probably run through all of their favorite colors… and all of their less-than-favorite colors. It’s not you or your kids have been through professional nail styling school, so how do you keep things interesting without getting too complicated?

Here are 10 and simple nail styles to give you and your kids some inspiration.

1. Animal + matching pattern

The giraffe print pattern is pretty cool on its own, but the little giraffe avatar gives the set a nice touch.

fun nail style inspiration


2. Olaf is easier than you think

The Frozen lovers in your family (that is, all the kids) will love this one. It’s a perfect depiction of Olaf’s goofy face.

fun nail style inspiration


3. An eclectic mix!

Why stick to one pattern or style when you can have several?

fun nail style inspiration


4. Kitties and ice cream

This one takes a bit of precision so you may have to help your daughter a bit. Surely it’s a great way to improve their hand eye coordination.

fun nail style inspiration


5. A color spectrum

This is a subtler style than the previous ones, but it’s very classy and elegant. Plus, it’s super easy. We have all the colors you could need to make any color spectrum you’d like.

fun nail style inspiration


6. Polka dots

Simple and classy, this style would look great with a darker dress. It adds to a look without becoming the central focus.

fun nail style inspiration


7. School day doodles

This is cool because it gives the simple doodles some depth and meaning, like your child was casually doodling during class. Love this!

fun nail style inspiration


8. Strawberries

Talk about a pop of color!

fun nail style inspiration


9. Rainbows and clouds

This one is really simple, but what’s awesome about is that if you use a few extra coats on the clouds, you can give it some depth, as if the rainbow is behind it. 3D nails!

fun nail style inspiration


10. Emojis!

Kids basically speak in emojis these days, so let them use their nails to express themselves. There are hundreds of emojis to choose from, or go with the basics.

fun nail style inspiration


What are your kids favorite nail styles? Post them on Instagram with the hashtag #piggypaint and we may feature you!

non toxic nail polish for kidsWritten by Melanie Hurley, Founder of Piggy Paint

Melanie is a mom with two fancy little girls who love to have their fingernails painted. One day while painting their nails, she noticed that traditional solvent-based nail polish could eat through a foam plate. She didn't like the idea of putting that on her girls' nails, which inevitably end up in their mouths. She decided that any flammable substance that could eat through foam was unacceptable for her children's fingernails. Piggy Paint was born, a non-flammable non-toxic nail polish for kids.

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